The Scoop: BanyanWay is a modern matchmaking platform for Indian American singles. The platform offers singles a personalized matchmaking service that offers all the customization and guidance they desire, with options to get parents and other family members involved. Aparna Basker, the Founder of BanyanWay, and Anu Ganesh, the Chief Relationship Officer, spoke to us about BanyanWay and how the platform combines elements of traditional matchmaking and Western dating. Singles have many options with Banyan Way, including a full matchmaking experience and family-assisted introductions through their web portal for Parents-Milan Connect.
Singles can take many different approaches to dating. From dating apps to speed dating to matchmakers, people on the market have plenty of options, and they can explore all the options to find the one that’s right for them.
The internet has changed many aspects of dating, and its influence doesn’t end with dating apps and sites. Other facets of the dating scene, like matchmaking, have been transformed by the communication capabilities the internet gives us, and BanyanWay offers a matchmaking service that’s making the most of these innovations.
Banyan Way is a matchmaking platform for Indian singles in the United States. The platform combines the convenience of a modern dating platform with traditional matchmaking services through its exclusive online matchmaking portal for Parents, called Milan Connect. With BanyanWay, singles and their families can find a matchmaking process that works for them.
Anu Ganesh and Aparna Basker have a team of Matchmakers, or relationship managers, for Banyan Way, and they talked to us about the service specially designed for Indian-Americann singles.
“We are working to bridge the gap between traditional matchmaking and Western dating,” Aparna, the founder of BanyanWay, said. “If singles want to find a match on their own, they can do that with the assistance of their Parents through Milan Connect, or they can do use our personalized matchmaking services.”
Where Traditional Matchmaking & Western Dating Meet
Anu and Aparna said BanyanWay was developed to meet the unique needs of single Indian Americans and their families. “Our clients definitely want to date and decide who their right person is,” Aparna said. “Their parents and family want to be involved and part of the process, which is very common.”
BanyanWay gives singles plenty of room to customize their experience depending on their needs. Aparna described the service as a holistic solution for daters who are looking for an independent dating experience, with the option to be supported by professionals and family members.
“When we started, I had my doubts on whether singles in the United States would be open to their parents and families being involved,” Aparna said. “In Indian culture, it’s very normal for families to be involved, but young people are reconsidering and redefining those boundaries, and we’re with them.”
However, the results surprised Aparna, and singles across the US were heading to BanyanWay to find matches. Anu gleaned that many BanyanWay clients see the service as offering the ideal combination of matchmaking and dating.

“Indian Americans are constantly navigating the two cultures they’re brought up in,” she said. “More and more singles want someone they can bring home to their family and be culturally compatible with their parents and siblings, while also searching for the one and exploring dating.”
While Indian American singles are making their own way in the dating world, Aparna said many are still searching for a partner who is familiar with their culture and background. “They’re trying to find long-term relationships, and they’re immersed in their culture,” Aparna said. “Indian singles in the US still have that culture imbued in them, and they would like to find someone within that culture.”
Aparna said that while there are exceptions, many clients are looking for a partner who shares their unique cultural background. BanyanWay was created to meet the distinct needs of Indian American singles looking for true companionship and a shared cultural identity.
Banyan Way Works With Singles and Parents
Aparna gave us insight into how BanyanWay navigates family involvement in the matchmaking process. “If singles want their parents, elder sisters, aunties, whoever they trust, to be part of the process, we have a process on our platform,” she said. “For example, we have a step in the process of registration on the web portal for Parents Milan Connect where we send the message to the Single letting them know once their family member makes an account.”
Parents can get involved in the BanyanWay process by vetting profiles and family compatibility through the online Milan Connect platform. Aparna explained that the service’s matchmakers draw from the same network that family members have access to, placing them in the center of the process.
“Relationship managers work with singles whether or not family are involved in the process,” Aparna said. “We’re always working directly with the singles because without singles being part of the process, it can’t work.”
Matchmaking is far from a new addition to many distinct cultural practices from India, and Aparna said BanyanWay still sees skeptical clients seeking its services. “Many of them come to us with a skeptical mindset,” Aparna told us. ”We explain why and how singles are using the service and they are convinced and see the benefit.”
BanyanWay finds introduction success by centering the client and creating highly personalized matchmaking processes just for them.
“I think of it like a consultant,” Anu said. “We’re here to help singles in their search, we’re not here to judge their choices or convince them to compromise or change their expectations. If you’re looking for a new job, you don’t wait for things to fall into your lap. You have to go out there.”
The platform also has a mobile app for Singles available for download on the App Store and Google Play. The app is for Indian American singles who would like to use a relationship App to find a suitable partner.
An Approach Especially for Indian Americans
BanyanWay’s matchmakers work to build trust with their clients. Anu said that’s the only way the process can be successful. “Sometimes I joke with my clients that as their relationship manager and matchmaker, I’m their first match,” she said. “A client and matchmaker need to be honest and really trust each other through the process.”
Aparna and Anu work with many different kinds of clients, and Aparna said it’s not rare to see clients come in with a very specific set of standards. “Nearly all clients have a hard time coming in with an open mind. They think it will only work if he or she is a doctor, or lives in New York, or speaks a certain language, and so on.”

Aparna said having filters helps the matchmaking process, but those whose filters are too narrow may inadvertently prevent them from finding a compatible connection. Aparna and Anu agreed that one of the best parts of matchmaking is that relationship managers can be hands-on to help sort out small challenges like this along the way.
BanyanWay’s matchmakers help their clients keep their minds open and handle all the highs and lows that come with the dating and introductions process. Because there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to finding a life partner, BanyanWay’s services leave room for customization.
“We’re here to facilitate connections,” Aparna said. “Sometimes, all it takes is one connection to get two amazing people to meet. And we stay, check in throughout the process, and help our clients find that connection.”