The Scoop: The dating app Wingman reduces the pressure some singles dating online experience by inviting trusted friends and family members to play matchmaker. Anyone can leave objective and honest introductions on behalf of their single friend – thus creating a great first impression for potential suitors. Wingman continues to impress the digital world by creating a safe space for genuine relationships to thrive thanks to the #Squad. 

I never imagined my best friend being responsible for finding the love of my life. I honestly didn’t want to give her that much credit. Especially when, at first, I thought she was out of her mind. 

“Clearly, she doesn’t know me,” I protested, thinking that the guy she set me up with was not my type.

But after the first date, I realized that she may have been onto something. I thought maybe she did actually know me, and knew what I needed out of love. Now my boyfriend, kudos to my friend, has been the cherry on top of my life. 

21st Century Matchmaking.
Wingman introduces a new way for friends to play matchmakers.

I’m sure that everyone has a friend like mine eagerly waiting for their opportunity to set their bestie up on a date. Our friends watch us as we go through an array of failed dates – and they want to do something about it. With the help from the dating app Wingman, their opportunity to play cupid is finally here. 

Wingman is focused on building long-lasting relationships instead of casual hookups. The platform highlights the insight from those friends and family members who know us best. Digital dating expert Tina Wilson created Wingman to be a space for friendship, encouragement, and laughter.

Tina said she believes that friends are the best endorsers who can share genuine information about their single friends.

“Friends have insight into what makes us happy that we don’t see for ourselves,” Tina told us. She built the Wingman app to put friends in charge of creating profiles and suggesting matches.

“They see our weaknesses, strengths, and all the wonderful things that make us unique,” Tina added. “Who better to help us find romance than a really good friend or family member who has our best interests at heart?” 

The Squad For the Job 

It’s often said that your friends know you best – sometimes even better than you know yourself! — which makes them the perfect matchmakers. To shake things up, Wingman put friends and families at the forefront of the online dating process. The friendly matchmakers have full control over making their single friend’s profile and picking out potential dates. 

Wingman recognizes that friends play a major role in our lives. Their influence often shapes the choices we make in the dating process. Friends help calm the nerves and constantly remind you of your worth and potential. Many single people tend to overthink the whole dating process and end up presenting as an obscured version of themselves. This is why trusted friends who know us best can help remind us of who we are. 

Tina Wilson, CEO.
Tina Wilson, CEO and Founder of Wingman.

Tina was thrown into online dating after a 10-year relationship ended. Through her experience, she saw the importance of friends helping make connections in the swiping scene. Her squad of girlfriends were in relationships themselves and were eager to help her find her match. “I resisted,” Tina said, “so they started searching different sites for me. It wasn’t as terrifying with them writing my profile and making it a fun experience.”

Tina said she wanted to aid daters everywhere and change traditional swiping as we know it. In April 2017, Wingman launched to fulfill Tina’s vision of improving online dating by bringing friends into the mix.

Anyone can create a profile on Wingman for their single friend, regardless of their age and location. From grandmothers to college besties, Wingman’s four-step sign up process is easy for all to understand and access. 

Singles Date With Confidence Knowing They’re in Good Hands

Going off the motto, “It’s not about you. It’s about your incredible friend,” Wingman removes the pressure of dating for singles. In fact, Wingman challenges the traditional dating experience by making it a team approach. 

Talking yourself up in a dating profile sometimes can be pretty awkward. You play a mind game with yourself wondering what’s too much to say and what you should refrain from saying. But with Wingman, singles don’t have to stress about their profiles.

The friends write the profile, and while these cupids are working their magic, singles don’t have to do anything. They can find comfort knowing that they’re in good hands from someone who knows them best. 

“Letting those who know you best make romantic love choices on your behalf helps to destigmatize that swiping fatigue and provides options that we might overlook for ourselves,” Tina said. 

Photos of Molly and Beth
Molly and her mother Beth used the Wingman app together.

In addition to friends, family members can also play an important role on the app. Instead of being dragged to church to meet somebody’s son, mothers can choose your next eligible bachelor within seconds online.

The website features the story of Beth and Molly, whose first encounter is a prime example of how a wingman can help. After being diagnosed with breast cancer, Beth wanted to make sure that her daughter Molly had a partner to share the rest of her life with. 

“I want to know I’m leaving her in good hands,” Beth said. 

Thankfully, Wingman was there to help. Beth turned to the app to accelerate the dating process for Molly. Wingman put up a billboard in Times Square to support Molly’s dating journey. As a result, hundreds of emails from potential suitors were sent Molly’s way. 

Stories like Beth and Molly demonstrate how productive and useful Wingman is. It’s more than just an app, it’s a social dating community that paves the way for finding true love. 

Wingman Has Exploded in Popularity During COVID-19

Wingman users have exploded in number over the past year. The need for intimacy and connection has substantially grown during the COVID pandemic, and that has resulted in a surge in the number of singles who are more willing to download the app and participate in online dating. 

“We found during the pandemic that singles were even more likely to add several friends to play cupid for them, to stay connected. Not just for the dating, but for the conversation and connection it brokered,” Tina told us. 

The lockdowns and self-imposed quarantines brought on by COVID-19 damaged a lot of social lives. For some, meeting new people became rare, and love was out of the question. But online dating apps such as Wingman helped singles connect to the outside world from the safety of home.

Wingman's available to download.
Wingman is available to download on Apple App store and Google Play.

Wingman’s users have embraced a more personal approach in online dating. During the 2020 pandemic, filtered selfies and self-promotional bios were banned on the app. This made the app more credible and safer for singles with genuine intentions. 

Tina said that distance as a search criteria for potential matches became less of a concern for users living through COVID. Wingman’s users expanded their distance settings from five miles to 200 miles. This created more opportunities for singles to meet people they may never have interacted with otherwise. 

In the spirit of growth, we can expect more from the Wingman team throughout 2022. Tina shared that the app will expand into Europe, India, and other parts of the world. The goal is to make Wingman a global app that’s even more accessible for people looking to connect and meet. And some other beneficial projects are in the works as well.

“Our roadmap for the year ahead will see some exciting new features within the app with a monetization and reward plan ensuring our users get the very best of what the world can offer,” Tina said