The Scoop: Wealthy individuals can lack the time, energy, and patience to search the dating scene for a compatible date. That’s where billionaire matchmakers Janis and Carly Spindel come in. These professionals take the reins in the search for love and arrange dates based on 25+ years of experience. They work with selective single men who have everything they could ever want in life — except a loving wife. The matchmakers travel across the globe in search of the most beautiful and brilliant women, and they’re never shy about offering advice on how singles can improve their date prospects. Recently, Janis and Carly have expanded their services to include instructional events, courses, and other resources that speak directly to today’s singles.
All matchmakers must learn to strike the right balance between quantity and quality in their client base. They only have so many hours in the day to work with singles and arrange dates. So they have to decide if they want to give a little time to a lot of people or a lot of time to a few people.
Sometimes matchmakers run themselves thin by taking on dozens of clients at a time. They have to juggle introductions and manage expectations, and it’s a hectic way to do business. Other matchmakers are more selective about who they take on, so they can offer a more time-intensive and personalized service. They may lose out in terms of quantity, but they make it up in the quality of their matchmaking services.

Billionaire matchmakers Janis and Carly Spindel run a boutique service in NYC. Photo credit:
Matchmakers Janis and Carly Spindel have flourished in the industry by always prioritizing quality over quantity in their introduction service. They consider themselves the Rolls Royce of matchmaking. This mother-daughter team makes a point to only take on a few clients at a time, so they can devote their full attention to finding the right match.
These matchmakers cater to successful and wealthy single men who don’t have time to scour the dating scene and want to outsource the effort to professionals in the industry.
Janis and Carly have a combined experience of over 25 years in the matchmaking business, and they take their responsibility to their clients seriously.
Together, Janis and Carly have facilitated over 3,200 marriages and relationships. Although based in New York City, these serious matchmakers travel all over the world in search of dynamic women to introduce to their clients.
Escorting Men on a Billionaire Love Tour Worldwide
Janis and Carly have dedicated themselves to helping marriage-minded singles find love, and they will search high and low to find the right partner. They recruit women who possess the four Bs: beauty, brains, body, and balance. High-quality single women can submit an application and pay a $25 fee to join the upscale matchmaking database. They can also choose to meet with the matchmakers for anywhere from $250 to $1,250.
The matchmakers arrange dates based on the dating preferences and dealbreakers of their male clientele who heavily invest in the dating service. Over time, Janis and Carly have honed their boutique matchmaking company to appeal to a select group of wealthy clients. These matchmakers are interested in refining, rather than expanding, their clientele.
“In the last year, we have been working with fewer men because the more specific and particular the men are, the more it costs them and the more time and effort is required,” Janis said. “That is our specialty: working with billionaires who pay upward of $1.5 million dollars and want it all. These billionaires have it all — except for a wife.”

Janis and Carly help the world’s busiest men meet the world’s most amazing women.
Janis and Carly have traveled around the world looking for the ideal women, and they have met many incredible people in the process. Janis said the success of their billionaire world tour has motivated them to expand internationally and plan trips to countries known for having the most beautiful women in the world.
“We have left the crowded and busy matchmaking space were everyone is chasing the same potential clients,” Janis said. “We created a new playing field and seem to be the only ones that can handle those types of clients. The women we approve into our service must be the types these men are looking for. Again, finding the her is our specialty.”
Instagram Q&As Teach Women to Enrich Their Love Lives
The foundation of Janis and Carly’s success as matchmakers lies in the quality of the single women in their database. They have taken strides to maintaining that quality by advising single women through engaging lectures, workshops, and, most recently, Q&A sessions shared on their social media page.
Dear Janis Instagram Live is the matchmakers’ way of reaching out to the every-woman on Instagram. Through engaging Q&As, the matchmakers lend their expertise to their audience of 1,800 followers. Every Monday, these instructive episodes motivate single women to improve themselves so they can improve their love lives. Janie and Carly encourage women to know their worth, so they can start pursuing men who value and treasure them.
“Women need help,” Janis said. “There is a wide open market, and Carly and I have all generations covered with our experience and track record. Women who attend the Love Lectures are given a chance to better themselves.”
The Dear Janis Instagram Live has already attracted a loyal following of single women, and it’s just getting started. The mother-daughter duo plan to expand their reach in the dating scene by educating and empowering women from all walks of life.
“The quality of communication and feedback has been positive and inspiring to me,” Janis said. “I see a real need for women to talk live with a real live one-of-a-kind matchmaker who has been doing this since 1993.”
If you miss Janis’ love lectures, you can always download the audio version or register for interactive workshops here. These matchmakers host events and run online courses to teach women how to shine on a first date so that it leads to a second date, a third date, and, eventually, a relationship.
Creating a Blueprint for Success in a Competitive Industry
Janis and Carly have been remarkably successful at targeting and satisfying a highly selective clientele. They have unapologetically pursued the most attractive individuals in the dating scene, and their time-tested matchmaking system has brought thousands of couples together.
Now former employees have taken Janis and Carly’s formula and, with their blessing, applied it to their own matchmaking businesses. Janis told us that their company has inspired a new generation of boutique matchmakers working and collaborating across the country. These matchmakers often draw from Janis and Carly’s quality database of women to arrange dates for their clients.
Janis views this collaboration as a win-win for everyone involved. The matchmaker said she’s glad to share her experience and expertise with newcomers in the business because that’s how the industry grows. “Right now, its like the wild west with mostly young women opening a service with absolutely no idea how to run a business and what it takes to be a matchmaker today,” she said.

This hands-on team of matchmakers takes the time and put in the effort to get every match right.
By training her employees to follow a quality-driven match system, Janis has positively influenced the matchmaking industry and set many savvy professionals up for success.
“We have made an impact on the dating and relationship industry by inspiring hundreds of others who are emulating us on a lower scale,” Janis said. “That is the blueprint that we have created for others to follow.”
Janis & Carly Spindel Continue to Offer High-Caliber Services
By sacrificing quality for the sake of quantity, matchmakers can grow their bottom lines while doing a disservice to their clients. They rake in the dough, but lack the time to truly consider the individual’s needs and goals. That’s not the way Janis and Carly have chosen to operate. They prioritize their clients and devote an extraordinary amount of time and energy in the matchmaking process.
Janis and Carly take on just two or three clients at a time to ensure they can give their full attention to finding and arranging a compatible date. They draw from a high-quality database of women who have been screened in person to make sure no golddiggers or catfishers slip through the cracks.
In addition to their boutique matchmaking services, Janis and Carly have launched educational videos, events, and courses to support singles and raise the caliber of daters around the world.
“I believe creating a community where men and women can interact with Carly and me and learn from our experience and track record,” Janis said. “By making ourselves available, Spindel Matchmaking can continue making an impact through the online courses that are affordable and accessible no matter where women live.”