The Scoop: Gay Options is the United State’s longest-established matchmaking service for gay and lesbian singles. Founded in 1994, the service has witnessed the transformation of the dating landscape as online dating methods overtook the scene. Even though online dating is a great option for many, matchmaking services through Gay Options provide a confidential, offline experience with years of professional experience to back it up.
Online dating is super convenient and accessible to almost anybody with a phone and internet connection. It’s never been easier to access many of the single people in an area’s dating pool, whether you’re in a big city or a small town. While there are so many great things about online dating, the format just isn’t for everyone.
Many single people miss the excitement of meeting new people for the first time and establishing that first-impression chemistry face-to-face. People who have tried online dating for a long time may feel a little worn down by the experience and ready to try something new.
There have been matchmaking traditions for heterosexual men and women for centuries, but gay and lesbian singles have only recently had the opportunity to explore this different kind of dating. Gay Options, the nation’s oldest matchmaking service for LGB daters, offers hands-on, confidential, and offline matchmaking.
Rene Robinson is the Director for Gay Options and has been with the firm for decades. Rene told us about Gay Options, modern dating trends for gay and lesbian daters, and why more single people are turning to the expertise of matchmakers.
“All of our members are screened and vetted, but more importantly, they’re all invested,” Rene said. “One of the pitfalls of online dating is that it’s free or negligible, so people have nothing invested, and often display poor dating etiquette like canceling a date at the last minute or standing someone up.”
Gay Options Is The Oldest LGB Matchmaking Service
“When Gay Options started, the internet wasn’t what it is today,” Rene said. “Gay Options predates the internet, so we’ve witnessed firsthand all of the changes that have happened since online dating started to really gain traction, and it’s changed the whole scene. Dating is different today.”
Gay Options was founded in 1994, and Rene has been with the company for three decades. When Gay Options was founded, there was no other matchmaking service for gay and lesbian individuals. From the beginning, the matchmaking service has prioritized keeping a high-value client base and ensuring the efficacy of its matches.
Rene said Gay Options does this in several ways, including taking a hands-on, personalized approach. The process begins with a new member consultation with one of Gay Option’s relationship counselors. During this meeting, counselors and daters will discuss past dating history and present dating goals.

The ideal Gay Options client is a career professional who values privacy and isn’t interested in putting their personal info online. They’re too busy to play dating games and only want to meet people who are also looking for a long-term relationship. Many clients are meeting people to date, but not the kind of person they want to date.
Gay Options works with all kinds of singles, whether they have dating experience or not. Rene said that people come to Gay Options with diverse dating backgrounds, but there is one thing that unites them all: the desire to be in a committed relationship. Rene noted that it can be hard to tell what a person’s dating goals are when online, but Gay Options clients never have to guess.
Matchmaking Simplifies Dating
The matchmaking process begins with a consultation, and then a relationship counselor will decide whether a single person’s best option is Gay Options. Matchmaking isn’t for everyone, and Rene reiterated that Gay Options is only for single people who are ready to be in a healthy and loving relationship.
Relationship counselors with Gay Options are seasoned matchmaking professionals. Since Gay Options serves multiple cities nationwide, matchmakers are matched regionally to singles. Gay Options matchmakers understand their area’s dating culture and how to make the most significant impact through matchmaking.
Gay Options services are available nationwide and in Canada. Regardless of where a dater lives, Gay Options will find a qualified matchmaker who can help them find the results they’re looking for.

After the initial consultation, a relationship counselor will create a personal profile for each client. The profile is created based on over a hundred physical and non-physical characteristics, including preferences for masculinity or femininity, along with age and distance requirements. Each personal profile touches on many of the things people consider while dating and looking for a partner.
Next is the fun part. A client’s Gay Options matchmaker will begin to make introductions. In the beginning, introductions are based on the personal profile. As more introductions are made, and a client gives their matchmaker feedback on each introduction, introductions will become more personalized.
Matchmaking is dating guided by a professional. Gay Options clients can work closely with their personal matchmaker and open up to them about what they’re looking for through feedback after introductions and dates. The more transparent and willing to reflect a single person is, the more success they’ll find in any kind of dating – but especially matchmaking.
Modern Dating Etiquette
Since many singles seek Gay Options’ services for privacy concerns, the matchmaking group takes profile verification seriously. Each client is screened for lifestyle and health factors, along with a basic criminal background check and identity verification. Gay Options matchmakers take the time and dedication needed to cultivate a high-quality client base.
Just like any other dating experience, matchmaking is what you make it. Rene has noticed a breakdown in dating etiquette over their years in the industry. “These days, people seem to get frustrated over the fact they’re seeing the same people on all the different apps, and if they reach out, they only occasionally get a response,” Rene said.

Rene also pointed to all the new dating words that have entered our lexicon. Terms like ghosting and catfishing are terms that have appeared in the last two decades but are now necessary language to describe modern dating experiences. Rene said phenomena like ghosting and catfishing happen because of the shift online dating has established.
It’s easy to casually try out dating, and it’s even easier to not express your dating desires online. This can cause miscommunication and hurt feelings, often swept under the rug by a larger social acceptance of poor dating habits. “People have an explosion of choices,” Rene said, “so sometimes it can feel like dating etiquette has gone out the window. The only thing the apps have done quite frankly is to make everyone treat each other like they’re disposable.”
Gay Options offers gay and lesbian daters respite from the game playing and poor habits of many online daters. Clients with the matchmaking group will find friendly and hands-on help from a professional who wants to see them succeed.
“Gay Options eliminates the game playing,” Rene said. “When we enroll someone, they’re emotionally available, gainfully employed or comfortably retired, and looking for a long-term, monogamous relationship. We guarantee clients that they no longer have to deal with the guesswork about the basics, we have it covered.”