The Scoop: Successful singles often struggle to decide the best way to find a relationship. Unlike dating apps that work through an algorithm, matchmaking services offer them the benefit of a personalized touch. Rori Sassoon, founder of Platinum Poire, believes that matchmakers like herself are the best option for singles looking to form a long-term relationship.

Many singles feel that online dating isn’t an easy way to find love. After a few weeks or months on the apps with no long-term relationship on the horizon, some singles are ready to throw in the towel, believing that they’ve done everything in their power to find that special someone. Even singles who have a lot to offer — great looks, substantial wealth, or a blooming social network — can struggle to meet the right person.

Luckily, swiping for dates through a free dating platform is not the only option, or necessarily even the best option for certain busy singles with serious relationship goals. 

Instead of relying solely on dating apps, singles should consider using a matchmaking service. Rori Sassoon, matchmaker and founder of elite service Platinum Poire, said she believes that matchmaking is the way to go for successful singles looking to settle down. 

“A matchmaker gets to know the real you,” Rori said. “In online dating, it is very easy to misrepresent yourself in the hopes of alluring as many candidates as possible. Matchmaking is best suited for those who are busy, disinterested in the online realm, and want to find a genuine, trustworthy person.”

As a matchmaker for elites in the New York City area (including a few Real Housewives), Rori understands how best to find the relationship you want and need in your life. In addition to her Platinum Poire membership program, Rori has begun her new offering called Get Relationship Ready with Rori: A Platinum Experience. For $500 an hour, singles can enjoy one-on-one coaching sessions with Rori to get back into the dating scene on the right foot. But before singles start working directly with Rori, they can benefit from the helpful dating advice she shared with our team. 

Matchmakers Can Transform Your Dating Experience

Rori doesn’t think that dating apps are all bad. For those looking to have fun, make friends, and meet new people, they offer a low-commitment way to get onto the dating scene. “You can find immediate connections and catch a glimpse of who they are instantaneously,” she said. “Online dating can be beneficial for shorter-term relationships and/or hookups, as it can be more difficult to truly pinpoint a person’s intentions.” 

But for those looking for something more serious, getting some professional help may be the way to go.

The reasons that online dating apps are often great for those looking for a short-term connection are the same reasons that they can be lacking for people looking for a committed relationship. With only a small amount of space to describe your wants, lifestyle, and relationship priorities in a profile, singles avoid describing the specifics of their ideal relationship on the apps. Without full disclosure of what a single person wants in their relationships, algorithms cannot match them accurately with compatible partners.

Rori Sassoon
Rori knows how to revitalize the dating lives of her clients.

On the other hand, matchmakers take the time to get to know their clients inside and out, so that they can best pair them with individuals who share the same goals. For singles who have a lot on their plates in addition to finding love, getting help to cut down ill-fitting matches is well worth the effort and expense. Matchmakers can even help singles figure out what they want and how to reach their dating potential.

“A matchmaker can help a single professional find love more quickly by finding out exactly what they want and what they don’t want,” Rori said. “Matchmakers understand that time is of the essence. By narrowing down a busy person’s do’s and don’ts, we will provide clients with the utmost compatibility.” 

Have the Mindset for Romantic Success

While working with the right person or service is extremely important for dating, so is having the right mindset as you enter the dating world. A matchmaker can set you up with fantastic people, but the success of that first date is up to you. Singles who go into dating with the right mentality are far more likely to find quality, long-term partners.

Rori said that the singles who have the most success go into dating, and their lives in general, with a positive, happy mindset. They look at any part of life, from dating to work to family, as an opportunity for growth and joy. “When you have a positive, optimistic mindset, you are setting yourself up for more romantic success,” Rori said. “You want to channel that energy on a daily basis, as you embrace a happy attitude in all your endeavors.” 

Happy people attract happy people. With a positive outlook, your dates will quickly find themselves falling for you. And even if one date or relationship doesn’t work out, you’ll be able to bounce back quickly.

couple talking at table
Singles who have a positive mindset find it easier to succeed in relationships.

Successful daters also do a good job of maintaining other parts of their lives outside of dating. While they take the time to put effort into dates and fledgling relationships, they don’t let potential relationships totally consume their lives and self-worth. 

“When you are actively doing things and living a fulfilling life, you will be that much likelier to meet someone of a similar mind and value system,” Rori said. “Go to that workout class, sit down at your favorite lounge or hotel bar, and live your life!” Even if you don’t use a matchmaking service, you will be far more likely to meet a partner organically this way and have a lot of fun while doing it.

Whether you’re finding your dates on your own or with a matchmaker’s help, keeping an open mind will allow you to take full advantage of opportunities for love you may have once overlooked. People can surprise you, so don’t judge a potential date too harshly before giving them a chance. “I always encourage my clients to keep their minds open!” Rori said. “A person might be busy, but don’t write someone off before they’ve even met them—trust the matchmaking process!”

Rori Sassoon Can Take Your Dating Life to the Next Level

Looking for a serious relationship as a successful single requires a lot of decision-making. You need to know what you want, how to present yourself, and most significantly, where to find love. 

Elite singles in the NYC area turn to Rori Sassoon to revitalize their love lives, and they’ve gotten great results. Rori’s expert skills, quality network, and empathetic personal touch make her a great wingwoman to find singles love. 

Platinum Poire is committed to helping successful singles find lasting relationships.

Rori has found countless lasting relationships for her clients and those in her personal network. Even Rori’s personal assistant is among her success stories. “She went from a serial dating app enthusiast to a serial monogamist, in a matter of a year,” Rori said. “She was looking for a lasting love, though she was searching in all the wrong places. I set her up on a whim, and they’ve been dating for almost eight months!” Wherever Rori goes, she manages to find love for those around her.

While joining Platinum Poire is invite-only, non-members can now access the benefits of Rori’s wisdom through her coaching program. In the crazy reality of a pandemic-era world, Rori can help singles navigate the dating scene. Reach out to the Platinum Poire team for details!