The Scoop: Dating on your own can be difficult. Your ideal match may not be in your current social network, and it takes time and effort to search for compatible dates both online and offline. Although online dating is increasingly popular among young singles, not everyone feels comfortable posting their private information on a dating site or app. And not everyone has the time to swipe and chat for 10+ hours a week. That’s why so many of today’s working professionals enlist a matchmaking professional to help them accelerate the dating process and make meaningful connections. Seventy Thirty, an elite matchmaking service, gives singles a chance to outsource the search for love. These specialized dating experts can do a lot to help singles find their happily-ever-afters in the real world.
Successful entrepreneurs, business owners, and celebrities know their worth in the dating scene and are often unwilling to settle for anything less than an amazing love story. However, these working professionals don’t always have the time and resources at their disposal to meet someone on their level. They can neglect their love lives while pursuing professional success and end up single despite their long list of attractive qualities.
Fortunately, modern matchmakers often tailor their services to highly skilled, confident, and ambitious singles. Premier matchmaking firms, like Seventy Thirty, have created lucrative business models around the idea that professional singles deserve high-quality romance and shouldn’t have to work that hard to get it.
Dr Georgina Barnett, the Head of Global Membership at Seventy Thirty, explained that hiring a matchmaker can be a time-saving and stress-free solution for singles with high expectations and a lot to offer potential partners.
“The question is, how do we navigate the enchanting and mystifying world of intimate relationships? Many people are returning to the traditional art of matchmaking to ensure the relationship they find is stimulating and meaningful,” she said. “Here at Seventy Thirty, we have years of experience in the field of international luxury matchmaking and have therefore seen hundreds of new relationships blossom.”
Matchmaking Is a Time-Honored Tradition
Matchmaking has been around for thousands of years and existed in many cultures throughout the world. The Ancient Greeks relied on promnestria to give approval to matches and act as go-betweens for the betrothed and their families.

The first known mention of a shadchan, or Jewish matchmaker, appeared in Genesis, the first book in the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament.
A shadchan, which means marriage broker in Yiddish, has traditionally arranged marriages between devout and wealthy Jewish families. This individual often received a percentage of the dowry in exchange for his services. Some Orthodox Jewish communities still rely on the knowledgeable help of a local shadchan.
You can find various forms of matchmaking throughout history because it’s a profession that many people need at some point in their lives. And it works. Matchmakers can introduce singles and create the basis for romance by understanding the nuances of love.
Modern matchmaking doesn’t involve as much astrology or divine interpretation as it once did. Instead, dating professionals look for signs of personal compatibility to create long-term matches. They build databases of date candidates and vet potential love interests on behalf of their clients.
Today’s matchmakers work directly with marriage-minded singles and provide thoughtful guidance in a chaotic and complicated dating world.
“Matchmaking is very much in vogue again now partly due to the disillusionment, particularly among the wealthy, with online dating and apps, which do not address the intricacies needed to formulate successful relationships,” Dr. Georgina pointed out. “Neither can they offer the discretion of our elite and professional matchmaking service in the search for love.”
Modern Matchmakers Use Science, Technology & Intuition
Some matchmakers use match algorithms to help them find suitable dates for clients. Others hand-pick matches using their own experience and intuition. Most use a combination of matchmaking methods to give clients worthwhile dating opportunities. The bottom line is that matchmakers put in a lot of effort and expertise into pairing people up.

Seventy Thirty is a luxury matchmaking company run by a team of psychologists and relationship experts.
Seventy Thirty’s matchmakers gain insight from studying human psychology and conducting research on attraction and relationships.
“The science behind our matchmaking at Seventy Thirty has developed due to the extensive research undertaken in the psychology world,” Dr. Georgina said, “which has allowed for greater refinement in our matchmaking procedures.”
The Specialist Matchmakers at Seventy Thirty have a thorough understanding of the dating scene and are equipped to offer a variety of supportive services to modern singles. The firm’s dating services can include everything from relationship therapy to life coaching. Whether they’re teaching a client how to flirt on a first date or how to express love to a partner, the matchmakers provide sound advice proven to yield positive results.
As Dr. Georgina said, “At Seventy Thirty, we do the behind-the-scenes work in order to put forward the most suitable and carefully chosen matches in accordance with the criteria of the member.”
A Proactive Approach to Finding Love
Singles often have a specific image in their minds about what love looks like and what the ideal relationship should be like. That can be challenging for matchmakers who often see it as part of their jobs to ensure that clients have realistic expectations and a clear idea of what will actually make them happy.
Matchmakers also have to contend with the false belief that finding love should be easy — that it should “just happen.” It doesn’t always happen the way stories portray it, and sometimes singles need a little help to find that storybook ending.
“We are conditioned from our earliest days to believe the happy-ever-after fairy-tale stories and therefore assume that this area of our lives will take care of itself,” Dr. Georgina said. “The reality is we usually need to plan and to be as proactive as we would be in any other area of our lives.”
“The time of spontaneous infatuation has given way — at least among the affluent ranks of company directors — to make room for the professional matchmakers at Seventy Thirty.” — The Herald
Some singles may feel reluctant to reach out to a matchmaker because they think it makes them look desperate or unable to date on their own. However, hiring a matchmaker can often be an empowering step that shows you’re ready to make a commitment and join a larger dating community. It’s a way of taking control of your love life instead of waiting for the perfect person to knock on your door.
In 2000, Susie Ambrose, Founder of Seventy Thirty, recognized the need for an elite matchmaking agency to assist wealthy singles and founded an upscale service to encourage high-caliber individuals to meet one another. Today, her company has collected many inspirational testimonials and inspired love stories between affluent and commitment-oriented clients.
“Those who are truly dedicated to finding someone exceptional have returned to the powerful and precise business of matchmaking to fulfill their desire to find their perfect partner,” Dr. Georgina said. “As the saying goes, ‘There is no substitute for a great love.’”
Professionals Have the Expertise to Create Enduring Relationships Between Clients
If you’re a successful professional looking for love, you can hire a boutique matchmaker to speed up the process of finding someone special. Seventy Thirty promises to provide Specialist Matchmaking, which means vetting and pairing clients based on a personalized matching system. This time-tested system goes beyond the surface to create respectful and loving relationships.
While online dating makes it easy for singles to find matches based on age, distance, and interests, matchmakers focus on the x-factor between two people and use their intuition and experience to create lasting connections. Dr. Georgina said that age, finances, and interests can be important, but Seventy Thirty’s matchmakers place greater weight on deeper personal qualities.
“At Seventy Thirty, our Specialist Matchmakers are in the business of creating enduring relationships,” she said. “Ensuring prospective partners’ value system, relationship goals, temperament, and many other areas align is the key to ensuring a longstanding match.”