The Scoop: Hunting Maven is a boutique matchmaking agency where singles can enjoy a stress-free and hassle-free way to meet new people. Head matchmaker Julia Bekker said her client list has grown significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic. A year of lockdowns has prompted some singles to gain clarity about what they want and look for love in new ways. Hunting Maven welcomes this oncoming wave of serious daters and has resources available to help relationships blossom even during challenging times.
The COVID-19 pandemic took a measurable toll on the healthcare system and the economy, but it also had an immeasurable impact on the mental well-being of people living under lockdown. Both singles and couples experienced extreme levels of stress, uncertainty, and social disconnection.
As a matchmaking agency based in New York City, Hunting Maven was on the frontlines of the dating scene during the COVID-19 pandemic. Its professionals worked hard to continue building meaningful connections despite enormous obstacles.

Julia Bekker founded Hunting Maven to help single people find love.
“The pandemic was a struggle for many people, myself included, on a mental level,” said Julia Bekker, the Founder and CEO of Hunting Maven. “It put a strain on many relationships.”
Some couples grew closer during their time in lockdown, and others broke apart. Within a matter of months, the dating scene became full of singles who had greater clarity about what they wanted and deserved in their next relationship.
Hunting Maven is in business to assist singles in the search for a forever love. That job wasn’t easy with social distancing restrictions in place.
In 2020, the matchmaking agency had to pause in-person services and switch gears to meet the demands of the new normal. Hunting Maven has arranged virtual dating experiences and online coaching sessions for clients over the last year. Julia said she has seen enormous resiliency in the dating world, and some people have even found extra motivation and inspiration during these challenging times.
“It was a good time for singles to reflect and be productive with self-improvement,” Julia said. “It gave couples a chance to get to know each other on a deeper level and work on bettering their relationships, or realize their relationship wasn’t working and move on.”
Staying Engaged & Creating Connections Despite Challenges
Thanks to elite matchmaking services, single professionals never have to wonder where to meet people or struggle to find their footing in the modern dating scene. The experienced matchmakers at Hunting Maven do the legwork on behalf of their clients and deliver pre-screened matches that lead to engaging first dates and relationships.
Hunting Maven is based in New York City, so it was at the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020. The company’s matchmaking operations came to a halt at the end of March and didn’t open back up until May.
“When the warmer weather hit, my phone was ringing off the hook with new inquiries and clients,” Julia recalled. “I think the positive thing that came out of this was that single men and women understood the value of love and connection more than ever.”
Hunting Maven takes on clients who are serious about finding love. Julia said she is highly selective when taking on new clients. The boutique matchmaking services deals with the upper echelon of the dating scene and prepare single professionals to meet that special someone.

Hiring a matchmaker or dating coach can help singles weather the ups and downs of romance.
Hunting Maven’s dating coaching services focus on teaching skills, overcoming obstacles, and building confidence in dating situations. The one-on-one guidance and support proved to be instrumental to many singles struggling with isolation, low self-esteem, and heartbreak in the midst of a global pandemic.
“During the pandemic, I encouraged my clients not to give up but to take the time to build authentic connections,” Julia told us. “It gave way for singles to really focus on getting to know one another, with no distractions.”
Julia has developed an empowered dating coaching program for women only. The program guides single women to relationship success by helping them to break their patterns, eliminate false beliefs, and build their self-esteem.
The Hunting Maven matchmakers have helped singles continue to explore the dating world and meet promising dates without having to go too far outside their comfort zone. The matchmakers look out for their client’s best interests and provide tips for social distancing dates, video dates, phone calls, and other ways to connect online and offline.
Life-Changing Stories of Love & Commitment
Hunting Maven has been matching clients on dates and inspiring relationships for years now. But the team had to pull out all the stops to keep its momentum going throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly once winter set in.
Julia said that one of her favorite client success stories happened just a few months ago. Hunting Maven received a phone call from a male client who wanted to freeze his membership because he said he didn’t fancy the notion of going on an outdoor date during the dead of winter in New York City. However, the matchmakers told him to wait for just one more match and introduced him to a woman who had all the qualities he was looking for in a partner.
The couple ended up talking on the phone every day for three months and got into a full-blown relationship despite living in different cities. They’re now in the process of moving in together.

Hunting Maven screens potential dates on behalf of single professionals.
Julia told us the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted a more conversation-driven style of dating that has strengthened relationships. Without the distractions of normal citylife, Hunting Maven clients have been able to focus on their dates and get to know a new person on a deeper level.
A woman named Laura C. said Julia’s coaching was instrumental on her journey to build self-esteem and fall in love. “I’m engaged and could not have done it without you,” Laura said in a thank-you note to Julia. “Not only did you help me find my life partner, but you helped me transform myself. I am now more confident than ever.”
“Our lives are so busy, it’s tough to find that needle in the haystack,” a former client named Mark said. “Julia nailed it with my FIRST match! She found me my life partner and I couldn’t be happier.”
Julia encourages modern singles to be proactive when looking for a long-term partner. That means using every available resource — from dating apps to singles events — to further their search and increase their likelihood of success.
“Consider outsourcing help and hiring a matchmaker or a dating coach,” Julia said. “Now is the time to invest in yourself in preparation for a more fulfilling life and future relationship.”
The COVID-19 pandemic has given singles the opportunity to work on themselves, reassess their priorities, and put their needs first. As the world reopens, Hunting Maven expects to see more clients enrolling in the matchmaking and coaching programs in hopes of starting their new dating life on a high note.
“Julia has a knack for scouting and natural people skills,” said a client named David. “She introduced me to an incredible woman who is now the love of my life. To say she is good at what she does would be a huge understatement.”
Hunting Maven Offers a Boutique Dating Service
Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the dating scene was rife with casual chats, swiping matches, and flirty hookups that rarely led to anything substantial. Most of those casual connections fell away once lockdown orders went into effect, and something stronger took root in its place. Spending months in isolation showed people the value of human connections and social experiences.
Julia predicted that the end of the COVID-19 pandemic will spark a dating and relationship boom as a new generation of singles emerges from lockdown with serious priorities and clear goals.
“Being alone through the pandemic has really made an impact on singles. It has been a catalyst to realizing what’s important,” Julia said. “So I’m looking forward to the future of love.”
Hunting Maven promotes a values-driven way to meet a potential partner and make the most of every dating opportunity during the pandemic and beyond.
“I think the future looks bright for singles,” Julia said. “Hopefully, this pandemic will transform the way we date.”