The Scoop: Ronnie Ann Ryan has experience as a midlife dater, so she can guide single women over 40 with insight and compassion. Her love and dating coaching business, It’s Never Too Late for Love, prepares singles to navigate the modern dating scene and manifest the love of their life. She works with relationship-minded midlife women and inspires them to attract compatible partners online and offline. Her self-help programs, books, and other resources give women tips, affirmations, and strategies so they become more confident and proactive daters. Whether Ronnie is coaching singles in person or via emails or in her programs, her steadfast support ensures single women stay on the path to love.
When you’re on the playground at school, dating is easy. You pass a note, whisper a secret, and — bam — you’ve got a boyfriend. However, the older you get, the harder it is to find that crush-worthy guy and tell him how you feel. Many midlife women struggle in the modern dating scene because they no longer have the heart or the confidence to put themselves out there.
Midlife dating has its fair share of challenges. You could be dating as a single parent, a divorcee, a widow, or just someone who’s never found love. All these complications can make daters feel hesitant to be themselves and risk getting hurt.
Over time, middle-aged singles may develop self-esteem issues and put up with bad partners and unhealthy relationships because they feel desperate or afraid.

Ronnie Ann Ryan motivates single women over 40 to date with purpose.
Midlife dating coach Ronnie Ann Ryan told us that she has seen many of her clients rush into a relationship and get attached to someone they barely know. She said the best advice she can give clients in those situations is to take things slow and make sure the person they’re dating is worthy of them.
Ronnie understands the emotional obstacles faced by midlife daters, and she has developed a coaching business called It’s Never Too Late For Love to remind mature daters that they are worthy of a phenomenal love story. This dating coach emphasizes cultivating self-love as the first step to manifest romantic love.
“Dating in midlife is harder than when you’re younger because you have all these habits and history and all these things you didn’t have before,” she said. “People have a tendency to rush in without thinking, but when you go slower, you make better choices, and that’s part of self-love too.”
A 31-Day Email Program Gets Singles in the Right Mindset
Self-love is the centerpiece of Ronnie’s newly released email coaching program. Time to Shine — 31 Days to Build Self-Love and Confidence is her love letter to single women who are over 40. She invites singles to sign up and join her on a journey of emotional growth and healing. Ronnie sends participants in this program 31 emails over the course of a month to empower, inspire, and educate them on the ways of love.

Ronnie’s empowering message resonates with many women who have lost their dating confidence.
Each email contains easy exercises designed to get singles into a healthy and positive state of mind. It could be as simple as writing down five things in your life you’re grateful for. Ronnie said her exercises typically take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Everyone’s busy with work, friends, and family, but a short, motivational email from a dating coach can remind people to take some time to themselves and practice self-care.
“Whether you’re single or in a relationship, you need to learn how to take care of yourself,” she said. “You have to give to yourself first if you’re going to be a caregiver.”
Ronnie’s email program offers a combination of practical dating wisdom and thought-provoking guidance to help women reshape their priorities and feel more confident approaching and attractive dates.
“The point is that it all starts with self-love,” she said, “and if you can learn to take care of yourself and be less self critical, you’ll become far more attractive.”
Coaching Resources Give Clarity to Midlife Daters
Ronnie doesn’t give her clients one piece of advice and toss them into the deep-end of the dating scene. She works hard to ease them in and make sure they have the knowledge and skills to succeed. Her comprehensive coaching resources cover just about every aspect of re-entering the modern dating scene as a midlife single. These audio programs, online courses, and books give daters a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to manifest long-lasting, satisfying love.
The foundation of her work is on building self-confidence and arming her clients with practical, proven strategies. Ronnie encourages her clients to believe in love and seek their Mr. Right with proactive and down-to-earth dating methods.
“People don’t just want to find love, they want to find the right person, someone who’s compatible and they enjoy being around,” she said. “If you don’t think you’re worthy, it’ll be hard for you to attract a quality love.”
Ronnie prepares her clients to tackle the online and offline dating scene with a strong sense of self. She told us her coaching resources walk singles through the key elements of becoming happier, healthier, and more attractive. Her Flirt School and home-study courses allow single women to study up and become magnetic to quality men.
“It’s an education process,” she said. “They don’t teach how to find and keep a relationship in school. There’s no place to learn about that unless you look for it by reading blogs, taking courses, and getting coaching.”
Inspiring Professional Women With an Empowering Message
The message of It’s Never Too Late for Love appeals to daters over 40 who don’t know what to do to find love as an adult. They’re looking for some inspiration, expert advice, and support, and that’s exactly what Ronnie provides.
“Her insights, especially around femininity and letting the guy lead, are profound,” said Patti, a client in Vermont. “Being a widow in my 50s, I never thought I’d find another good man, and, without her help, I don’t think I would have.”
A Utah single named Donna said working with Ronnie helped her get rid of her baggage and change her life for the better. “She helped me get a grasp on the dating strategies that work,” Donna said. “I met this great guy, and it has been so easy from that point on.”
“If you are serious about getting into a relationship, you’ve got to talk to Ronnie.” — Donna, a coaching client
Over the years, Ronnie has grown her client base slowly but surely and made her mark on the lives of singles across the globe. Her programs and courses offer do-it-yourself-help, but many participants end up so impressed with her system that they sign up for a more personalized coaching session with Ronnie. Her new daily email program has already led to a new client signing on.
By reaching out to the single population via email, Ronnie can show them what the experience and advice of a professional love and dating coach can do for their love lives.
Ronnie said one of her goals is to help bring dating coaching into the mainstream and reduce the stigma attached to seeking professional help in the dating scene.
“The more acceptable it is, the more people reach out and get the help they need,” she said. “I find that very positive because so many people today are isolated.”
Ronnie Lets Clients Know It’s Never Too Late for Love
Finding love as an adult isn’t as easy as checking yes or no, but it doesn’t have to be impossibly difficult either. You just have to learn what works and take advantage of the tools and resources at your disposal.
Ronnie has worked hard to present singles with many educational coaching resources to get them back in their groove and support them in finding the man of their dreams. Her new program tackles the issue of self-love because, without that missing piece, singles can’t build healthy, satisfying relationships. From start to finish, Ronnie assists midlife singles in the modern dating scene and sees to it that they have what it takes to find the love they dream of.
“My work is rooted in the belief that true love is your destiny,” she said, “and if you’re willing to take the necessary steps, it’s more true than ever.”