The Scoop: Maclynn International distinguishes itself from other matchmaking agencies by using psychology to pair like-minded singles. Its science-based philosophy means that clients are more likely to form long-lasting bonds through shared values. The Maclynn International team works with accomplished singles of all ages who are often searching for a connection but struggle to fit dating into their busy professional lives.
Matchmaking services often connect singles based on a few characteristics they have in common. Some matchmakers bring two people together because they’re the same age, live in the same area, or have the same desires in a partner.
But Gina Yannotta and her business partner Rachel Maclynn didn’t think those similarities were nearly enough to match people properly. Rachel, a psychologist who founded Maclynn International’s parent company in the United Kingdom in 2011, decided to create a matchmaking assessment based on psychological principles.
With that goal in mind, the pair co-founded the company’s first USA office. Maclynn International is an international matchmaking firm that aims to gain an in-depth understanding of its clients. Rachel helps the firm’s matchmakers understand psychological principles to more effectively pair successful singles. All Maclynn International matchmakers are highly trained and many hold psychology degrees, meaning that they can offer unique insight into what makes couples click.
“We wanted to help people find true compatibility by introducing them to like-minded individuals with similar values, lifestyles, and relationship aspirations,” said Gina, who oversees Maclynn International’s operations in the U.S.

Maclynn International pairs clients based on psychological principles.
While many matchmaking firms are based in only one or two cities, Maclynn International works with clients in cities worldwide. It has a presence in London, Zurich, Los Angeles, and Hong Kong, among many other cities across the U.S., Europe, Middle East, Asia and Australia.
The factors it uses to determine a successful single are perhaps broader than the definition other matchmaking services use.
“Our members are highly successful in life, whether through creative or artistic excellence, philanthropy, business, academia, or extensive exploration of the globe,” reads a post on the Maclynn International website.
All new clients take an assessment that asks them to consider what they want out of life and from a partner. Maclynn International also screens potential clients to ensure they’re looking for a serious relationship, not just a temporary hookup.
Clients then connect with a matchmaker who works to pair them with someone who fits with their values and lifestyle.
The firm’s formula works, and Maclynn International’s parent company in London has even earned recognition as the UK Matchmaking Agency of the Year for its success in the industry.
Why They Wanted to Introduce Psychology to the Matchmaking Process
Maclynn International is committed to psychology-based matching because it is one of the most effective ways to ensure compatibility between partners.
According to relationship expert Dr. John Gottman, one of the best predictors of long-term relationship success is shared values between partners. If they believe the same things and have similar goals, they’re more likely to build the friendship necessary to sustain love.
However, that connection isn’t as simple as sharing values. Singles must understand their own core beliefs and needs in a relationship and then determine how their values connect with those or their partner.
One expert noted that couples should align in their perceptions of what a long-term relationship looks like, the roles each person will play, and the meaning of “good person.”

Maclynn International Chief Operating Officer Gina Yannotta spoke with us about values-based matchmaking.
That compatibility can be difficult for singles to identify on their own when they first meet someone. That is where Maclynn International’s matchmakers shine.
“We bring our clients three unique elements: the science of psychology, an exclusive international network of exceptional singles and a matchmaking experience delivered by a team of authentic, sincere experts who apply positive psychology and passion to our work,” said Gina. “We are dedicated to remaining experts and innovators in our field through professional development and research.”
The company adheres to its three core values of professionalism, exclusivity, and sincerity. Maclynn International is also exclusive in that it only accepts high-achieving singles as part of its clientele. And its matchmakers display sincerity in that they want what’s best for their clients.
Helping Clients in All Stages of Life Find Love
Gina shared the story of Rebecca, a “high-flying” client who had advanced up the corporate ladder but still wanted a family and was seeking a gentleman. The men she met organically weren’t meeting her expectations.
In 2018, Gina introduced Rebecca to an “assertive, strong, tenacious” man who had recently started a business with a philanthropic focus. The two hit it off immediately.
“They fell head over heels, have been introduced to each other’s families, and are still together to this day,” Gina said.
Another client shared a poignant story about working with Maclynn International:
“After losing my husband, I never thought I would be able to fall in love again. My matchmaker reassured me that there can be multiple soul mates for people and that I would once again feel the love I felt before. I started the process slowly and ended up meeting someone after five months. I am currently enjoying every minute of getting to know him and feeling in love again,” the client wrote in an online testimonial.

The Maclynn International team provides elite clients personalized services.
The company works with clients from singles in their 20s who have never been married up to older folks in their 70s searching for new love.
“The only thing all our clients have in common is that they are extraordinary in some way. They are international, sophisticated, ambitious, and dynamic,” Gina said.
Potential clients have two membership options: Private Membership or Open Membership. Private Members pay fees, have a dedicated matchmaker, and are guaranteed a certain number of introductions over six or 12 months. Open Memberships are invitation-only but offer no guaranteed matches.
Maclynn International Offers Customized Services
Once a successful client starts working with a Maclynn International matchmaker, they also have access to the company’s other valuable services. These include dating and relationship coaching with a psychologist or a dating diagnostic assessment called Your Dating Blueprint.
“YDB is a two-part consultation with one of our experts for anyone who wants to dissect their love life and find tangible solutions to increase their dating success,” said Gina.
The firm’s coaching services have been so successful that it is now aiming to grow its U.S.-based team. Gina is also searching for more matchmakers with an interest in psychology.
Maclynn International has offices outside of the United States, though clients don’t have to live near one of its offices to use the company’s services.
The Maclynn International team is excited that its psychologically-based matchmaking has been such a success. Its approach gives singles confidence to date again after a breakup, help them work through the baggage that may hold them back, and introduces them to others who may turn out to be their long-term partners.
Gina feels a sense of accomplishment in helping so many folks find love.
“Apart from working alongside some of the most extraordinary people in the world, I wake up every day with the knowledge that I can change someone’s life for the better. That feeling is absolutely priceless,” Gina told us.