The Scoop: Dating coach Stacii Jae Johnson has made a career out of motivating single women to improve themselves and build healthy relationships. She has written self-help books, been featured in TV segments, and hosted podcasts to spread her insights far and wide. When coaching her clients one on one, Stacii gives personalized advice to enlighten women who are looking for love in all the wrong places.
felt inspired to become a dating and love expert because of her mother, who was married five times before passing away.
“While in hospice, she told me she wanted more than anything to show my younger sister and me that love works,” she told us. “It was that conversation with my mom that started me on my personal love journey.”

Stacii Jae Johnson’s mother inspired her to become a dating coach.
Stacii looked at her own love history and realized that she committed prematurely to men who weren’t worthy of her. She had wasted years in dead-end relationships, and she was determined to break that pattern.
So, she stopped dating one man at a time and started playing the field. Stacii kept her options open until she was sure that one particular guy was worth the commitment.
“My motto was ‘Date three to get to the one,'” she said. “From that way of dating, I became more empowered, and I stopped settling.”
Now Stacii coaches single women (and some men, too) on how to succeed in the dating world and find that one special person. She shares her dating tips and strategies to help her clients ditch their negative dating habits and land the relationship they deserve.
“It’s my mission to improve the lives of 1 million single women,” she said. “I’m giving them the tool to not just attract but to keep healthy romantic love.”
Coaching Women to Create a New Love Story
Stacii works one on one with singles
and delivers the raw truth about love in every coaching session. In her characteristic, tell-it-like-it-is way, she gets right to the point and offers actionable advice for building strong personal relationships. Her clients range in age from 32 to 55, but they all share one thing in common: They want to find love and haven’t had any luck yet. These women often have successful careers and fulfilling social lives, but they’re missing that special ingredient to make love last.
Though Stacii is based in Atlanta, she offers coaching to people all around the country and all over the world via Skype. Even if they aren’t in the same room, she endeavors to connect with her clients on an emotional and spiritual level so her advice resonates with them.
When Stacii meets a new client, she takes the time to understand where they’re coming from and how she can guide them on their path.
“My coaching style starts with each person’s individual journey,” she said. “I develop a customized coaching plan that I offer that helps a client rewrite their inherited love story and create the love story for themselves that they desire.”
Stacii said she focuses on the inherited love story that her clients bring from their parents, their experiences, and what they’ve seen in TV or movies. She tries to understand where people are coming from, so she can help them rewrite their stories and get that happily-ever-after ending they desire.
“I really believe there is something special that happens with my clients in the area of love,” she told us. “If they truly do the work and don’t give up and stay committed to the process.”
Stacii offers gold, silver, platinum, and custom coaching plans. Each package differs in duration, but Stacii tends to ask for a commitment of at least three months so she has time to do some real inner work with her clients. Many clients stay with her for a year or more. Stacii said the coaching process can be difficult, but many clients have grown as individuals and gotten into long-term relationships after taking Stacii’s programs.
“It is the most rewarding journey into love a person could have,” she said. “I have dedicated my entire life to helping women to the other side of dreading dating or feeling hopeless that they will never attract the love they desire.”
Stacii said she draws from a spiritual power to direct her clients toward truth, happiness, and love. In her eyes, dating coaching isn’t just about getting a date, it’s about turning a life around and achieving one’s true potential.
“My coaching saves lives,” she said. “It’s in a Stacii-Jae-unapologetically-candid way, but truly I believe in the spiritual power of what I do.”
Her Sage Guidance Helps Individuals Open Their Hearts
While building her coaching career, Stacii has also made a name for herself as an author of self-help books. Her first book, “Date, Girl: 143 Reasons Why I Believe Women Should Date Multiple Men (With No Intimacy),” outlines her essential dating strategy and empowers women to be choosier in their love lives.
“This book is a must-have for every woman,” said Sherri E. Goodall in an Amazon review. “I love Stacii Jae’s direct style of writing. It is a quick read. It is powerful! And, even as a woman over 40, the book makes you realize that it doesn’t hurt to have a refresher course in dating.”
“Stacii Jae’s book has struck a chord with women who have been on what I call ‘relationship hamster wheels.'” — David Mitchell, a corporate banker
Stacii told us she is currently writing a book about her experience as an Uber driver talking to her riders about love, dating, and relationships. It is tentatively titled “Love on Wheels: Love Stories From All Over the World Told to an Uber Driver on the Way to Their Destination.”
In addition to writing this book, Stacii is planning a love tour to London for her clients. The Let’s Talk About Love Tour International will be an annual travel opportunity open to women from all walks of life. Stacii said she wants to bring single women together and help them build confidence as they see the world.

“Date, Girl” makes the case that dating multiple men at a time is a great way to find the right one.
While Stacii is there to support her clients, she does not sugarcoat the truth, and she doesn’t believe in a “quick fix” to dating problems. If she sees a problem in how her clients are thinking or acting, she will point it out and recommend changes.
“I am not here to be my clients’ friend while we coach,” she said. “I am here to push them into the part of themselves that can from the inside out be attractive to the partner they want to attract.”
Many clients have said Stacii’s direct coaching has been instrumental in their personal growth journey. One woman told Stacii that the coaching program was like a ministry in her life. It delivered similar insights and guidance at a time when she felt lost and without hope.
Stacii said she is honored by the faith placed in her abilities, and, though she isn’t perfect, she does her best to make every second of her coaching program count.
“This is my life’s work. My purpose in life. So what drives me is seeing evidence of change in someone’s life,” she said. “If they stick with the program, they will get all that they ever dreamt of in love. Their lives will never be the same. I am very committed to helping my clients get to the root of their issues.”
Stacii Jae Johnson is on a Mission to Inspire
Stacii’s mother had a rocky dating experience, but she never stopped believing in the transformational power of love. She passed that bone-deep belief down to her daughters, and Stacii has spent the past few years riddling out the mysteries of the human heart.
As a professional dating and relationship coach, Stacii has a lot of knowledge and love to give her clients. She works closely with clients over a period of months and gives them the straightforward advice they need to move forward. Her honesty and clarity have been a wake-up call for many singles who have gotten lost on the way to love.
“This career stems from my mom’s life mission and her journey to getting the love she wanted,” Stacii said. “She never was able to do that, but now I have taken that mission on. She helped me discover love works, and I’m helping women everywhere do the same.”